Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012

幸せな 誕生日! ^0^)/ ~

 21 May 2012

    Today maybe is my big day! cause my age now is 15 years old and I'm so proud of it :) I'm so happy, cause many people give me and said ''Happy Birthday!'' to me.. ;D

   This things are from my FAMILY, LOVE THEY'RE! 
I remember when I opened my eyes, my mother suddenly gaves me the cake and blown up the candles! and gaves me some presents!
                                   THANKS MOM, BRO, SIST :))) 
that's my cake & my mom and the clothes with the parfume are from my mom. brtohe and sista!
                 Now, this things are from my biggest LOVE !!!! 
                                                       he's my boyfie, Fakhri :*

Much Love! Teddy Bears!<3
Well, I know he gaves me in the next day after My Birthday, but that's ok! I'm still love his presents  cause I really love Teddy Bear so much!! THANKS A LOT BABE~ ♥.

 And now, This things too are from my BESTFRIENDS  ~
   Honestly, when I came home to my home after I'm going to the course. in my room, there's a big present. when I opened it, it was you guys present! i'm soo excited!! :DD

                      THANK YOU PALS!!!

The dolls are from Riska & Dian and the comic is from Adelyna :))
                            And Finally, I have a big suprize again from my FRIENDS houses :)) 

      This so suddenly for me, in the evening of my birthday. Suddenly someone is called my name in front of my house (that's my friends houses) and they took me in they're house and suddenly too they gave me cake with a light candles, a memorize of birthday song and little egg for put it on my head.
          But, oh my gosh! I think that's so disgusting, I'm so hate it but still I'm appriciated what they done to it was make me so Happy! :)) 


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